The National LGBTQ Task Force strives to work with faith and spiritual partners in an effort to provide resources and support to people of many faiths and spiritual traditions. The following non-profit organizations are part of the Task Force Queering Faith Welcoming Church Leaders Program.
AllianceQ – Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance

Let us be perfectly queer: God is love. We are turning tables of injustice and spreading love.
AllianceQ supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and gender-diverse people of faith. We educate and equip faith communities for understanding, affirming, and including LGBTQ+ persons, and we collaborate with ecumenical partners and LGBTQ+ organizations for intersectional justice work. We are members of the Body of Christ, called to join in God’s work of transforming the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) into a just and inclusive church that welcomes persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions into full life and leadership of the church. Our vision is Affirmation, Love, and Liberation for ALL.
There’s a place for you – for every body – at the Table.
Brethren Mennonite Council

The mission of BMC is to cultivate an inclusive church and society and to care for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community.
For our community we will:
- Visibly advocate for justice on behalf of all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (lgbt) people.
- Reach out to LGBTQ persons and allies who share a connection with Mennonite and Church of the Brethren heritages.
- Provide opportunities for LGBTQ persons and allies to nurture relationships, celebrate community, and build networks of solidarity, empowerment, support and care.
- Provide intentional support and advocacy for LGBTQ youth and young adults.
- Connect people with LGBTQ positive theological and spiritual resources.
- Empower individuals and groups to advocate for justice and work for change.
- Acknowledge the limitations of our worldviews and commit to broadening our understanding and appreciation of human diversity.
For the church we will:
- Be a persistent voice for an open and inclusive church.
- Call congregations to be actively open and inclusive communities.
- Hold denominational leadership accountable to their denomination’s vision of social justice, expecting fair play, honesty, integrity, risk and courage.
- Develop denominationally sensitive theological, biblical and spiritual resources.
- Provide educational opportunities for our denominations and related educational institutions.
- For society we will:
- Participate in the broader social justice movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people by building alliances with other denominational and secular organizations who share similar concerns.
- Responsibly advocate for religious practices and policies that support democratic visions and an inclusive society.
- Intentionally connect our experiences of injustice with other forms of social discrimination and commit ourselves to resist oppression in all its forms.
Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ

The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ advocates for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, and equips UCC congregations to become effective witnesses to Christ’s extravagant welcome.
Founded in 1972, the Coalition has helped the UCC reach each of its milestones on the journey towards acceptance and justice for its LGBT and same-gender-loving (SGL) members. From General Synod’s first resolutions advocating for the civil rights of LGBT citizens to the church’s historic affirmation of marriage equality, the Coalition has been a spur to the conscience of our beloved church. By claiming our right to participate fully in ministry and fellowship, by reminding UCC members of the injustices that continue to prevail in wider society, by providing leadership for the growing Open and Affirming movement, the Coalition has been an effective agent for change in the UCC.
OutFront Minnesota

OutFront Minnesota was founded in 1987 to fight for LGBTQ+ justice and equity. Over the past 36 years we have worked to ensure that our values of liberation and intersectional justice guide our work until full equality under the law and full equity in practice is realized.
We successfully passed a statewide nondiscrimination law that included sexual orientation AND gender identity as protected statuses in 1993—the first law that included protections for our trans community members. We won marriage by defeating an anti-marriage amendment at the ballot box and passing marriage equality through the legislature in 2013. We ensured that our kids have safe and supportive environments to learn in by passing the Safe and Supportive Schools Act in 2014 and the Trans Toolkit in 2017. In 2023 we passed both the Conversion Therapy Ban and the Trans Refuge Bill. Our fight is not over and our supporters are needed more than ever.
Pride in the Pews

Pride in the Pews is a grassroots nationwide nonprofit building bridges and creating solutions that empower the Black LGBTQ+ community to thrive in the pew, the pulpit, and the public square.
At best, the Black Church has struggled to celebrate LGBTQ+ Christians. At worst, it has weaponized the pulpit to advance dehumanizing theologies. The tragic consequence of this reality is that far too many LGBTQ+ Christians are forced to choose between their faith and their identities. With a growing number of Millennials and Gen Zers seeking inclusive and justice-oriented houses of worship, the Black Church is poised to lose an entire generation. It is incumbent on Black clergy and congregants alike to create more affirming and inclusive sacred spaces.
For years, the Black Church has silenced LGBTQ+ communities, leaving us on the margins of the sanctuary. Our lived experiences have been routinely rendered invisible and inconsequential.
Reversing the course of this horrendous trend is not just vital, it is nonnegotiable. By amplifying our voices and experiences, a path toward addressing harm and facilitating healing can begin to emerge in the Black Church. Pride in the Pews seeks to create a space for, by, and with LGBTQ+ communities to share our stories and commune with our allies. We want you to join our campaign! Share your story and spread the word.
Q Christian Fellowship

Q Christian Fellowship is cultivating radical belonging for LGBTQ+ Christians and allies. We are a diverse community with varied backgrounds, cultures, theologies and denominations, drawn together through our love of Christ and our belief that every person is a beloved child of God.
We recognize that the church has not and does not always make it easy for those who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, same gender loving, queer, pansexual intersex, asexual, genderfluid, or questioning to reconcile these aspects of themselves with their Christian identity. We are witnesses to both the harm that faith communities can inflict, and the hope and healing that is possible through Christ.
By gathering together, embracing our differences, and celebrating our shared trust in God’s love in Christ, we seek to point toward the full inclusivity to which God is calling us. Just as Jesus led by example in his life on earth, we are dedicated to living out a transformative example of fellowship in the world.
Wherever you are on your journey, whether you are examining your own identity or walking alongside others, you have found a place of welcome. We are grateful that God has brought you here, and we look forward to sharing the path forward together.
Reconciling Ministries Network
Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church. Simply put, RMN works to advance justice and inclusion for all LGBTQ+ people in The United Methodist Church and beyond.
Since 1984, RMN has worked to transform hearts, churches, and communities. We do that through grassroots organizing, resourcing and educating, denomination-level change-making, pastoral care, and working with you: faithful people hopeful for a reconciled Church. RMN began as a faith-based response to institutionalized homophobia braided into the fabric of The United Methodist Church. Now, over 30 years later, the Reconciling movement spans four continents, 1,000+ churches, and 40,000+ individuals. And we’re still growing. Love is still growing.
ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation

Since 1974, ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation has advocated for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual/aromantic (LGBTQIA+) Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church, congregations, and community. An independent 501(c)3 organization.
Our Vision
To keep expanding the welcome, liberating those who are forced to live in the margins. To keep dismantling barriers and building bridges.
To keep working until all of God’s beloved have equity.
Our Mission
ReconcilingWorks advocates for the acceptance, full participation, and liberation of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions within the Lutheran Church.
Our Values
We believe that God values and embraces each person as a beloved child, that the Spirit gives a diversity of gifts for the common good, and that Jesus Christ calls us to work for justice.
Room for All

Compelled by the inclusive love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Spirit, Room for All is a community of Christ-followers in the Reformed Church in America. Our vision and mission statements indicate our commitment to the welcome and full affirmation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in this denomination and beyond, while pursuing dialogue and opportunities for education with those who believe differently.
Transmission Ministry Collective

Transmission Ministry Collective (TMC) is an online community dedicated to the spiritual care, faith formation, and leadership potential of transgender and gender-expansive Christians. As an organization created by trans folks, for trans folks, we believe that every person has the right to feel grounded in their identity and faith, connected to others, and empowered to work for justice. Whether you identify as a Christian, grew up in Christianity, or are still figuring out your relationship to faith, you’ll find others here to share your journey. As an organization that is trans-centered but not trans-exclusive, we also seek to provide support and learning opportunities for cisgender family members, friends, and ministry professionals. From video-based support groups, to workshops, to Bible study, to resource recommendations, to a 24-7 chat server, we’ve got a place for you.
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