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Sign Up to Defend Abortion!

Sign up to stay in the loop about ways you can join us to defend abortion and queer reproductive justice!

Together, we have the power to shift the debate, change hearts and minds, and hold the leaders of this country accountable to further justice, equity, and liberation!

At the National LGBTQ Task Force, we recognize that everyone has a fundamental right to sexual health and bodily autonomy, which includes the right to have an abortion, to decide whether or when to become a parent, to parent the children we have, and to do so with dignity and free from violence and discrimination.

We support the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements because LGBTQ+ people need open access to reproductive healthcare and services such as abortion, HIV care, and family planning.

That’s why we need you! Sign up to join a community of LGBTQ folx and allies and get the latest intel and opportunities about how to defend abortion and queer reproductive justice!