Ban the Repro Binary
Stop the gender binary talk!
Whether or not abortion access affects you, abortion rights are part of the reproductive rights and choices our communities make every day. That’s why people are calling on their gay cis friends and others to Ban the Repro Binary.
But what can I do?
Every day, people of all genders are seeking access to reproductive healthcare and services, yet our systems fail so many of them. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, elected officials across many states limited or attempted to limit access to safe abortions. And it doesn’t stop there.
Reproductive health and rights affect our community across race, class, disability, and more. It’s not easy to understand right away. Read our resources to see how we’re queering reproductive justice within the intersections.
About This Campaign
With support from the Pop Culture Collaborative, the National LGBTQ Task Force has produced a public education video campaign to expand the LGBTQ community’s understanding of reproductive justice and encourage cis men to support the fight for reproductive rights. The campaign has been dubbed “Ban the Reproductive Binary” and consists of several powerful short videos from a diverse set of male-identified voices in the LGBTQ+ community.