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2024 Gala Honorees

2024 National Leadership Award


Karamo is the Emmy-winning host and culture expert on Netflix’s hit series Queer Eye. He has used his platform to combat HIV stigma and advocate for providing mental health support and HIV education to the Black queer community . His unwavering commitment to raising awareness and offering crucial support highlights his exceptional leadership and advocacy. As a supportive father and role model, Karamo’s personal and professional life embodies the values of empathy, resilience, and community spirit. 

Karamo draws from his work in social services to show how he both discovered and learned to explore his many different “identities”. Whether as a black man, openly gay man, a son of immigrant parents, a Christian or a single father, Karamo strategically utilizes the strength of his numerous identities to achieve success – and teaches others to do the same.

He launched his daytime talk show, The Karamo Show, in 2022; its third season premiered on September 16, 2024. His podcast, Karamo, is an in-depth look at life’s thorniest issues, where people from around the world can call in and chat with Karamo to receive direct advice or share their personal feelings on the everyday situations affecting their lives. His memoir, “Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope,” explores how the challenges in his own life have allowed him to forever transform the lives of those in need. 

About being honored at this year’s Gala, Karamo commented: “I am deeply honored to receive the 2024 National Leadership Award from the National LGBTQ Task Force. This recognition is not just a reflection of my work but a testament to the strength, resilience, and love that defines our entire community. Together, we have made incredible strides toward equality, and though there is still much work to be done, I remain committed to amplifying our voices, fighting for our rights, and supporting those who need it most. Let us continue to lead with compassion and conviction, ensuring that every individual can live openly and authentically.” 

2024 Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award

Jim Tyrrell and Roger Thomson

Jim Tyrrell and Roger Thomson are a beloved fixture in the community of South Florida. Coupled since 1999, the two have dedicated themselves to supporting the LGBTQ movement locally and nationally through their philanthropy and service. Roger sat on the National LGBTQ Task Force Board for 9, with two years as Board Co-Chair. He has also served on the LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee for the City of Miami Beach, the Board of Miami Pride, and the LGBTQ Community Fund Committee at the Miami Foundation. Jim and Roger are members of SAVE, SAGE, and Equality Florida, supporters of Pridelines, and myriad other South Florida LGBTQ community organizations. Their generosity has helped beat back discriminatory policies and legislative attacks on LGBTQ people and enabled the community to continue thriving and reaching for full liberation.

Prior to his retirement in 2016, Roger served as Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Brinker International Inc, which operates Chili’s and Maggiano’s restaurants. He has also served executive roles at Burger King Corporation and S&A Restaurant Corp. At 49 years old, Roger became one of the first Fortune 500 executives to openly identify as gay.

Jim started his career as a disco instructor straight out of high school. He later pursued a degree in landscape architecture from Rutgers University, worked as an interior designer, and as a licensed massage therapist. In the early 2000’s, Jim was battled three bouts of tongue cancer which required multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Jim is a cancer warrior and survivor.

Jim and Roger were married on January 1, 2016. The wedding was planned by Liebe and Seth Gadinsky and officiated by Richard Milstein – all of whom are prior recipients of the Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award.

Sometimes awards are named after people who stand out in the community. The Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award is named for someone who stood out and stood up.

Eddy McIntyre

2023 Honorees

The image features Mx. Contance Collins, JD, the "2023 Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award" recipient. Collins has short, curly hair and is standing in front of trees wearing a pink t-shirt. Collins' t-shirt catches attention as it features a lotus flower design. The lotus flower design is emphasized as the text "Rainbow Lotus" is displayed just below, providing further context to the flower design.

Constance Collins

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award
In a vibrant and eclectic setting Dominique Jackson, a black woman, commands attention as she poses against a colorful background. Her black dress provides a dramatic contrast to the vivid hues of her surroundings, further accentuated by her expressive and confident demeanor.

Dominique Jackson

National Leadership Award

2022 Honorees

The Gadinsky Family – Liebe, Seth, Naomi and Tashi

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award
Jonathan Capehart

Jonathan Capehart

National Leadership Award

X González

ChangeMaker Award

2021 Honorees

Robin Schwartz

Robin J. Schwartz

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award
Billy Eichner

Billy Eichner

National Leadership Award
Jasmine McKenzie

Jasmine McKenzie

ChangeMaker Award

2021 Press Release

2019 Honorees

Dr. Gisela P. Vega, University of Miami

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award
Wilson Cruz & Anthony Rapp

Wilson Cruz & Anthony Rapp

National Leadership Award

2019 Press Release

2018 Honorees

Charles Million & Tim Nardi

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award

Robin Roberts & Sam Champion

National Leadership Award

2017 Honorees

Alberto Arias and Wood Kinnard

Alberto Arias and Wood Kinnard

Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award
Gloria Estefan

Gloria Estefan

National Leadership Award

Steve Rothaus
Seth Rudetsky & James Wesley

Juan Bosco Talavera
Mary L. Bonauto

James G. Pepper
Kristin Beck

Joseph L. Falk
George Takei

Elizabeth F. Schwartz
Matt Foreman

Georg Ketelhohn
Ben Cohen

Cindy Brown
Alan Cumming
Commissioner Katy Sorenson

Steve Adkins
Lt. Dan Choi
Rev. James Trapp

Keith Boykin
Ilene Chaiken
Joan Schaeffer

Jerry Chasen
Leonard Pitts
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Julian Bond
Bob Cole

California Assemblyman Mark Leno
Richard C. Milstein
Spain’s President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

Alicia Apfel
All Dade Human Rights Foundation and
Gay & Lesbian Foundation of South Florida grant recipients

Marleine Bastien
Dr. John Graves
Sir Ian McKellen
Terrence McNally
Damian Pardo

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Lee Schrager

Edda Cimino
Rep. Richard Gephardt
Neisen Kasdin
Robert Rosenberg
Lisa Versaci

Billy Bean
David Treece
Rosemary Wilder
Cristina Saralegui
Elkin Zapata

Martha Fugate
Liebe Gadinsky
Jorge Mursuli

Dennis Edwards & Mark Steinberg
Dave Lawrence
Mindy McNichols

Greg Baldwin
City of Miami Beach
Ruth Shack

National Corporate Partners
A person sings passionately into a microphone at the 2022 Task Force Gala.

Fund Local and National LGBTQ+ Initiatives

Support our social justice work and community partner organizations in South Florida with a donation through the Gala.