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Virtual Town Hall: Fulton v Philadelphia

Virtual Town Hall: U.S. Supreme Court - Fulton v. Philadelphia

This morning, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court heard Fulton v Philadelphia—a case that could have devastating effects for folks across the country. That’s why tonight we are cosponsoring a Virtual Town Hall to break everything down for you. We’ll even send you the recording if you miss it. RSVP here now to join us.

Fulton, on its surface, is about whether a private foster care agency that receives public funds can use their religious beliefs to justify not serving LGBTQ+ people. Their refusal has already had a devastating impact on foster kids who are being denied a loving home. But if the court rules in favor of a right to discriminate, it could allow any private agency that receives taxpayer-funding to provide government services—such as adoption, food banks, homeless shelters, disaster relief and more—to deny services to anyone they don’t approve of, including LGBTQ+, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, single women, those previously divorced and more.

This case is too important to miss. That’s why we’re making it as easy as possible to join us tonight (or to listen to the recording after) so we can break down everything that happened in the court this morning. RSVP at and let’s come together as a virtual community for #OurDayInCourt!